Gifts for Good supports the fight against trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of children and young women in the Pacific.


Gifts for Good was started in 2018 after a visit to Honiara in the Solomon Islands when Juliet McArthur was confronted first-hand with the evil of human trafficking and sexual exploitation of children and young women. This includes forced marriage of women and girls by family members in exchange for goods and cash, organized selling of children for sex, and forced domestic labour in the homes of foreign workers employed in the logging, fishing and mining industries. Poverty, a taboo against speaking about sexuality and the traditional practice of ‘bride price’ exacerbate the problem.

Traveling with Helen Ferguson, a fellow Kiwi who grew up in the Solomons, Juliet was introduced to the work of HOPE (Homes of Peace and Empowerment) Trust, a local organization established in 2014 to raise awareness of the human trafficking, establish gatekeepers to protect at-risk girls, and work with stakeholders in the community, government and private sector to educate and prevent children from being tradeable resources. Their hope is to establish a long-term safe house for girls for rehabilitation and reintegration into the community. Sadly at the time of Juliet’s visit HOPE Trust had no on-going funding and was therefore unable to continue its work.

Back in New Zealand, Juliet began dreaming, connecting ideas, and figuring out how she could use her skills and experience to raise funds to enable HOPE Trust to carry on its work.

Aware of the wastage in the interior design textile industry, where remnants and deleted fabrics samples are routinely discarded and sent to landfill, she saw an opportunity and began soliciting donations of fabric with the vision of transforming them into saleable items.

This vision has become a reality through the generosity of our fabric donors, and the commitment of a growing group of skilled local volunteers who contribute their time and creative talents. After steady growth over 3 years, Gifts for Good was formally incorporated as a registered charity in May 2021.

Fostering community is a big part of what Gifts for Good is about. More and more volunteers are eager to chip in and work with the gorgeous linens! By joining our weekly gathering to prepare fabric for sale and discuss designs or sewing at home, they’re finding connection, purpose and new skills.

Gifts for Good sells high quality fabric and a range of handmade items for the home and wardrobe. As everything required by Gifts for Good to function is donated, we can confidently say that 100% of our sales go directly to support the fight against abuse and exploitation through HOPE Trust and Hagar New Zealand.